Why you should question mantras at work and in life.

Why you should question mantras at work and in life.

Question the mantras you hear at work and in life. Let’s start with a definition of what a mantra is because you may associate it with meditation. “A statement repeated frequently” Whether you realize it or not, you hear a lot of mantras at work and in life. Those...
Five happiness habits for developing a healthy mind.

Five happiness habits for developing a healthy mind.

A happy mind leads to a more successful life.   The Happiness MBA has wrapped up. It took me a while to sit with the information and distill my thoughts. I read the book Search Inside Yourself referenced in the course and read some of my earlier posts to better...
How to make the present moment your friend.

How to make the present moment your friend.

The present moment is your friend not your enemy. I am reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Toile. The title and the fact that the book is on Oprah’s top 10 reading list is why I decided to read it. For one reason or another most people are struggling with the added...
Five healthy ways to cope with the stress in your life

Five healthy ways to cope with the stress in your life

How you cope with your stress determines how much it affects your health. Stress can be caused by any major life event or other change such as a move, a change in your martial status, death of someone you love, a new job or a job that just isn’t a good fit. Many...
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