Inspiration to extend the arc of your career and life.


Elton John is an excellent example of someone who has extended the arc of their career and life.


Watching the Farewell Yellow Brick Road concert over the weekend gave me a glimpse into Elton’s philosophy for work and life. Many of the principles are echoed in the book Wisdom at Work written by Chip Conley. The book is worth your time to read.


Five key principles to extend the arc of your career and life.


1/ Align your purpose, passion and paycheck


Regardless of age, those three elements are the key to a long, successful career. All three need to align.


2/ Be Inclusive


Many of us have biases that don’t prove out with research. Diversity of background, life experience and opinion often spurs innovation and usually yields a better result. Start by finding the common threads to develop a productive relationship.


3/ Collaborate with others to go farther


There would be no Elton John without collaboration because he doesn’t write lyrics. Every collaboration opened the door to another collaboration and new opportunities.


4/ Extend your arc or reinvent yourself


If you don’t feel passionate about what you’re doing now, it’s never too late to start again. The new retirement age is 80 for most people because we are living longer and healthier than ever. Don’t focus on retiring early, focus on enjoying your work.


5/ Think different


We are facing new challenges that need the energy of younger generations and the wisdom of the older generations. When organizations harness both they are more productive, profitable and innovative.


If you’re wondering whether the concert is worth seeing, it is even if you’ve already seen Elton live. People around me spoke of his passion, joy and humility. He’s an inspiration for all ages.

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