Five productive ways to spend your time at home.


Even if you’re happy just to have some extra time for rest and relaxation now, chances are you are going to get bored and restless. Here are some of the best things you can do to invest in yourself that will improve your health and wellbeing.


Five productive things to do at home


1/ Tidy up with Marie Kondo


Spring is here so it’s a good time to clear out the cobwebs and put away your winter cloths. Why not take it a step further and declutter your home and garage too?


Marie Kondo has a new show on Netflix that will inspire you. Every episode she leads a different family through the process of first giving thanks to the house that shelters the family and then the decluttering process.


Each week of the process she assigns a task to the family. By week two [2], most participants are already starting to feel lighter, happier, more creative and more loving toward one another. It only gets better from there so why not try it.


2/ Take an online course


There are so many online courses now to indulge your interests. Some of the courses include group projects which is a nice way to engage with your social circle.


Learning anything new will keep your mind sharp so that you return to work with more confidence.


3/ Get creative


Hobbies are often the first thing to get cut as life gets busy. Carve out some time now to ignite your creative juices and do that thing that you use to love to do.


Who knows, maybe it becomes a new side hustle that will eventually lead you down a different life path.


4/ Read a book


Reading is something on everyone’s to do list but it’s another thing that unfortunately often gets cut when life gets busy. 


The most successful people in the world read every day. If you want to be more successful, start reading now so that it becomes a habit by the time you return to work.


5/ Exercise


Too much sitting around can drag your spirit down. There are tons of workouts available online that will keep your blood pumping and spirits high. 


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