Why are fundamental changes so hard to make?

Why are fundamental changes so hard to make?

Fundamental changes require a different lens.   I host the Healthcare Office Hours for a new global startup community. It’s given me the opportunity to talk with entrepreneurs from all over the world. One of which is a former Professor of Psychology and Founder...
Why promoting equality is in your self interest.

Why promoting equality is in your self interest.

An equal society benefits both men and women. I am reading The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates about gender equality. Gender inequality continues to be a global issue with women in developing countries just starting the equality journey and women in developed...
Seven fundamentals of workplace wellness programs.

Seven fundamentals of workplace wellness programs.

Workplace wellness fundamentals that work   Wellness is for companies of all sizes but what is included often changes company to company. We’ve compiled a list of the fundamentals to help evaluate the foundation of your program.   Seven fundamentals of...
Shannon Smith Living

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