Five fun things to do in Vancouver this summer.

Five fun things to do in Vancouver this summer.

What to do for fun in Vancouver this summer.   Summer in the city has started. Whether you’re looking for some fun things to do with your friends, as a visitor or ways to meet new people, add these five things to your list. For those using a wellness tracker,...
What are your musts for good mental health?

What are your musts for good mental health?

Must haves and must dos for good mental health.   Knowing your musts, must haves and must dos, can help you make good decisions and maintain good mental health. Think of it as your simple rules for good mental health.   The concept of musts surfaced in my...
Five insights for supporting a loved one’s health journey.

Five insights for supporting a loved one’s health journey.

Supporting a loved one on their health journey.   There is nothing easy about supporting someone your care about on their health journey because health is so personal. If you push too hard, it can be perceived as nagging and hurtful. If you don’t say anything, it...
How much exercise is optimal for good health?

How much exercise is optimal for good health?

Are the exercise guidelines optimal for good health?   You may already be familiar with the minimum guidelines but there isn’t a specific measurement for how much exercise is optimal for good health.   Longevity researchers are often asked about the perfect...
Five ways to optimize your sleep for good health.

Five ways to optimize your sleep for good health.

Optimize your sleep for a healthier longer life.   Prioritizing sleep might seem like a luxury rather than an essential health habit, however a good nights rest is essential for good health.   Deep sleep helps to restore your brain, regenerate your skin,...
Pilates & | Balanced Body Pilates Mat Classes

Community Mat



Coal Harbour Community Center Balanced Body Pilates Mat Classes   Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Register



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Mind & Body Self-Care Workshop - July 20th


Mind & Body Self-Care Workshop

Saturday, July 20 | 1:30 PM-4:30 PM 

Coal Harbour Community Center

Learn More | Register



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