Apr 15, 2018 | Mental Health, Work
Use breaks to optimize performance and reduce mistakes. According to Anders Ericsson a psychologist internationally recognized for expertise on human performance and author of Peak, top performers are as disciplined about taking breaks as they are about their...
Apr 6, 2018 | Goals, Workouts
Learn what time of day is best for making your workouts a habit, more effective and more enjoyable. According to the book When by Daniel Pink, timing impacts everything we do. You can perfect your timing to achieve better results and more success at work and in life....
Apr 1, 2018 | Mental Health, Work
Top performance requires time and deliberate practice. Performance is not a factor of experience, specific inborn abilities or general abilities such as intelligence and memory. According to the book, Talent is Overrated deliberate practice and time is what...
Jun 23, 2014 | Prevention, Workouts
Good form is essential to prevent injury and maximize results. Good form is about using the right muscles and alignment to prevent injuries and to get the maximum benefit from exercise. It doesn’t matter how fast you go, how much weight you can lift or whether you can...