Learn how The Wellbeing Blog can help you live well.

Learn how The Wellbeing Blog can help you live well.

Get reliable insights to enhance your wellbeing.   Take a few minutes now to learn how the blog is organized, what’s covered and how to connect with others in the community to derive the most benefit.   How the blog is organized   The Wellbeing...
Why you should reduce your lifestyle risk now.

Why you should reduce your lifestyle risk now.

What is Lifestyle Risk? “Personal behaviors or choices that can increase a person’s chance of developing a disease. Lifestyle risk factors can often be avoided, controlled or changed to reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart...
Two easy ways for you to enhance workplace wellbeing.

Two easy ways for you to enhance workplace wellbeing.

Enhance workplace wellbeing to achieve more in Q3.   1/ Ask your team members about their goals. Most managers ask about work related goals but many stop there because they’re scared of the potential responses. However, it’s one of the easiest ways for you as a...
Why you should question mantras at work and in life.

Why you should question mantras at work and in life.

Question the mantras you hear at work and in life. Let’s start with a definition of what a mantra is because you may associate it with meditation. “A statement repeated frequently” Whether you realize it or not, you hear a lot of mantras at work and in life. Those...
How acceptance helps you move forward productively.

How acceptance helps you move forward productively.

Start with acceptance to move forward productively. Let me start by sharing what acceptance is not so that you’re more open to the idea. Acceptance is not a label or prediction of your future. It is simply the present state and your willingness to accept it as is...
How to increase your level of daily activity.

How to increase your level of daily activity.

Learn how to increase your level of daily activity. June is getting active month according to the Wellness Works Canada calendar. So I’d like to share some insights and ideas for increasing your activity as well as the activity of others on your team and/or in your...
Why you should change your perspective about work.

Why you should change your perspective about work.

Change your perspective about work for the AI era. The Artificial Intelligence [AI] supported era of work requires a new perspective on how we approach work and define success as individuals, companies and societies. Consequently, companies are starting to encourage...
Get the latest insight for building workforce resiliency.

Get the latest insight for building workforce resiliency.

Ten insights for building workforce resiliency today. Tracy Layney, EVP and Chief Human Resources Officer at Levis Strauss & Company, spoke on the Milken Institute panel on building workforce resiliency. During the presentation, she mentioned that internally they...
Three questions to ask when deciding to quit or grit.

Three questions to ask when deciding to quit or grit.

Insights for making your decision to quit or grit. If you haven’t heard, Walmart Health quit because their business model was not sustainable. The decision to quit was simply a business decision. If you’re not familiar with healthcare finance, let me just say...
What corporate wellbeing is and how it benefits you.

What corporate wellbeing is and how it benefits you.

Wellbeing helps you succeed at work and in life. Corporate wellbeing helps you succeed at work and in life, yet it is a sorely misunderstood function by most. The biggest misperception is that people equate it to the wellness perks that promote health related...
Learn better self-care practices to recharge after work.

Learn better self-care practices to recharge after work.

Enhance your self-care practices to recharge.    I was the guest at a business networking meeting a few years ago. Everyone introduced themself and shared how they decompress and recharge after work. Almost everyone started with, well I know that I should be...
Pilates & | Balanced Body Pilates Mat Classes

Community Mat



Coal Harbour Community Center Balanced Body Pilates Mat Classes   Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Register



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Mind & Body Self-Care Workshop - July 20th


Mind & Body Self-Care Workshop

Saturday, July 20 | 1:30 PM-4:30 PM 

Coal Harbour Community Center

Learn More | Register



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