Use simple rules to get your pre-Covid body back. 


Did you put on more weight than intended during the Covid pandemic? If you did, you’re in good company. Forty-two percent of American adults gained more weight than intended.


Before you accept your new larger self and purchase new clothing, take a few minutes to reflect on your pre-Covid lifestyle versus how you live now. It only takes an additional one hundred calories per day to gain ten pounds in a year. That’s the bad news and the good news.


The good news is that loosing the weight may only require a few tweaks to your diet and exercise program. In relative terms, one small banana is approximately one hundred calories.


Five insights to get your pre-Covid body back



1/ Step onto your scale


If stepping on the scale is too scary, try slipping into your pre-Covid clothes. One dress size is about ten pounds. If you can’t zip your pants closed or can’t even get them on, you’re up about ten-twenty pounds respectively.


2/ Look at your steps


If you use a wellness tracker, you’re probably getting notifications about your step count being lower or higher than the previous day, prior week and last year. If you don’t wear a wellness tracker, similar information is available on the health application on your phone. Your phone likely doesn’t capture all your daily movement but it will provide a comparative baseline of your steps barring any material changes in your habits.


3/ Reflect on your eating habits


Take a few minutes to reflect on your pre-Covid life for how you ate, how much you ate, where you ate and with whom you ate. It will give you insight into dietary changes, rules and habits as well as other lifestyle changes that may be affecting your diet.


4/ Evaluate your workout


Did you stop working out when the studios and gyms closed or did you switch to home based workouts? If you’re the type that needs the energy of a group or only does your favorite exercises when you workout alone, it might be time to change up your routine again. You need a well balanced exercise program to preserve your muscles and bones especially as you age.


5/ Craft some new simple rules


Once you’ve assessed your current state, think of three new simple rules that will help you loose your Covid weight and get your body back. Simple rules are easy to remember guidelines that will help you achieve your goal. Refine your rules over time so you continue to progress.


Why you try to get your pre-Covid body back


Clothes that fit well will make you look good regardless of your size. Health is about feeling good, living well and looking your best.

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